HSC GPA Calculator is an easy way to calculate your Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) GPA result. By using this HSC GPA calculator you can easily calculate Average Grade Points – GPA without knowing any mathematical logic.
If you want to convert Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) exam result to GPA, you can use this calculator. You can easily calculate your HSC result in average grade points or GPA. Let’s use the SSC GPA calculator.
HSC GPA Calculator
Check Your HSC Result 2024 (Published)
Using the above calculator, you can find out the HSC GPA or Grade Point Average very easily. Here you do not need to know any advanced mathematical formulas to make calculations. You can calculate your HSC GPA in just a few clicks.
In this stage, I will show you in detail and describe how to calculate HSC GPA results using the calculator. I will describe each part step-by-step so that you can easily understand how to calculate your HSC GPA. Let’s begin.
HSC Grading System 2024
According to the new rules of the Secondary Education Board, GPA or grade point average is still given in the HSC examination. Now we will talk about this average grade point or GPA in detail. Learn how grades are awarded to examinees.
Grade | Point | Marks |
A+ | 5.00 | 80-100 |
A | 4.00 | 70-79 |
A- | 3.50 | 60-69 |
B | 3.00 | 50-59 |
C | 2.00 | 40-49 |
D | 1.00 | 33-39 |
F | 0.00 | 0-32 |
This grading system you can see above is applied in the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) exam. According to this HSC grading system, (A + Grade) is given for 80 to 100 marks, which means a GPA of 5.00.
And then the number 70 to 79 is considered (A Grade) which is the point of GPA 4.00. Similarly, if you get 60 to 69 marks in the HSC exam, (A- Grade) is given which has 3.50 points.
A student gets 50 to 59 in the HSC exam, then given (B Grade) with a GPA point of 3.00. If you get 40 to 49 marks, it is considered (C Grade) whose point is GPA of 2.50.
A student who gets 33 to 39 marks in the HSC exam then will get (D Grade), whose point is GPA of 2.00.
How to use HSC GPA Calculator?
At this stage we will discuss how to calculate GPA for Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) exam results online. I will show you how to calculate HSC result average grade point or GPA online using a GPA calculator.

Here I will describe each step in detail so that it is easy for you to understand and easy to calculate. So without delay let’s start discussing how to calculate HSC GPA online.
Select Your Group
At this stage you have to select your grade format. That is, in which group you were in HSC, science group or arts group or business group should be selected.

Group selection is required to calculate your HSC GPA result. All the students who were in Science Group in Secondary School Certificate HSC will come to this stage and select Science Group from the option on the calculator. Besides, if a student is studying in business group or humanities group, it should be selected from here.
Choose HSC Grade Format
Now you have to select grade format in HSC GPA calculator to calculate. This is a part of the selection calculation. The calculation will be done in which format is determined by selecting it.

As you can see in the above image, there are two formats, one is Grade and the other is Points. If you select grade format grade then you have to select subject wise grade from here. And if you select points in great format then you have to input each subject wise point in the calculator.
Select Your Optional Subject
At this stage, you have to select your HSC optional subjects in the calculator. You have to select all the subjects as optional in the HSC exam in the calculator.

As you can see in the picture above, you have to select your optional subject from the calculator. Besides, from here you can select other subjects on a selection basis as shown above.
Select Subject Wise Grade
Now you have to select all the subjects in the HSC exam subject wise grade calculator. That is, if you have A+ in Bengali in the HSC exam, then you have to select A+ in this calculator.

As you can already see in the above picture, you have to select each subject separately from here. Subject Wise HSC GPA Calculator should input the result as per your HSC Exam Result. To get the correct GPA calculation result select the correct subject-wise major from here.
Final HSC GPA Result
After selecting everything properly, come to this stage and click on the Calculate GPA button below, you will see the final SSC GPA result in front of you. Grade and grade points can be seen simultaneously in this GPA calculation result.

Click on the Calculate GPA button as you can see in the above image if everything is fine. After clicking on the Calculate GPA button you will see two results in front of you one is GPA Grade and the other is GPA Points. GPA Grade The GPA grade you have earned will be shown in the calculation. And at the same time you will see here how much GPA points you have in this calculation.
In this way, you can easily calculate or view your HSC GPA result using the HSC GPA calculator. We have created HSC GPA calculation for students to calculate their HSC GPA very easily. Hopefully, students will benefit from using the calculator.
You may try: SSC GPA Calculator
HSC Subject List With Code
To calculate the result of the HSC exam in GPA, you need to have an idea about the subject list and subject code. So at this stage, for the convenience of students, the names of all the subjects of the HSC exam along with the subject code have been shared.
Compulsory Subject For All Students
Subject Name | 1st Paper | 2nd Paper |
Bangla | 101 | 102 |
English | 107 | 108 |
Information & Technology | 275 | N/A |
The list of subjects other than Compulsory and Main subjects and the subject codes of the subjects are given below.
- Physics – 174
- Chemistry – 176
- Biology – 178
- Higher Math – 265
- Statistics
- Finance, Banking, and Insurance – 292
- Business organization and management – 277
- Accounting – 253
- Production Management and Marketing – 286
- Economics -109
- Psychology –
- logic – 121
- Sociology – 117
- Social Work – 271
- Geography – 125
- Agricultural Education – 239
- Higher Math – 265
- Biology – 178
- Studies of Islam – 249
- Home Science – 273
Students participate in the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination in all the subjects mentioned above. Here are the subject names and subject codes of General Group/Arts Group, Commerce Group, and Science Group as well.
During the GPA calculation of the HSC exam, you can compare the subject of your department and the subject code from here. I hope it will be convenient for you when doing the calculation.
HSC Exam Pass Mark
At this stage we will know about the pass mark of HSC exam. That is, now we will discuss how many points a student will get in the SSC exam to pass a subject or how many points must be obtained to pass the total exam.
The pass mark in Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) exam out of 100 marks is 33. That means a student should get 33 marks out of 100 subject-wise to pass.
There are seven grades available for determining the results of the HSC examination. Where the highest grade is considered to be A+ and the lowest grade is D grade. And when a student fails is given F grade.
HSC GPA Calculator FAQ
In this part we will present some important questions about HSC GPA calculation and their answers. Because students always ask us these questions about HSC GPA calculation. Hopefully you will get answers to your desired questions from here.
HSC GPA is the average grade point result of the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination. It is given while providing total result in HSC examination results.
The easiest way to calculate the GPA result of the Higher Secondary School Certificate HSC exam is to use the HSC GPA calculator. You can easily calculate your HSC GPA result by using the HSC GPA calculator.
The student has to get 33 marks out of 100 subject-wise to pass the SSC exam. If a candidate gets 33 out of 100 in any subject then it this student is considered as a pass in that subject. You need to get 80 to 100 marks to get an A+ in the HSC exam.
Golden A plus in HSC examination means that the candidate has got plus in every subject. That is, in each subject he got above the 80 marks. If a student gets more than 80 marks in each subject in HSC examination i.e. gets A+ then it is considered as golden A+ in HSC exam.
Hopefully from here you got answers to questions about HSC GPA calculation and GPA online calculator. If you still have any questions, you can contact us on Facebook or by e-mail. If you contact us, we will definitely answer all your questions.
In this post, we have discussed the HSC GPA calculator in detail. How to use the SSC GPA calculator calculator can be seen in this post. Now you can get your HSC GPA result very easily using the HSC GPA calculator. Thank you very much for staying with us and using this HSC GPA calculator.